How it works

Create a new Boom Boom Shot game and broadcast it in the your bar.

Your customers enter the games with their smartphone by scanning a QR code on one of your TVs.

From time to time, the app draws one (or multiple) winner(s) that you reward with a shot (or whatever prize you want to give).

Give and you shall receive
By regularly drawing one or multiple winners from your customers and gifting them with prizes (free drink, shot, snack, goodies, discount, etc.) in a way close to what one would experience in Las Vegas, Boom Boom Shot will bring excitement and fun to your business.
Your clients are addicted to games
It’s no secret that most young people have a passion for games.
Whether it’s video games, gambling or board games, this passion got bigger with the pandemic.
It is time to include these digital tools in your business strategy and give your customers the experience they deserve.
of all mobile users open at least one gaming app during the week.
Source: Liftoff
of internet users play games on any kind of device.
Source: Globalwebindex
is what the Global Mobile Gambling Market is expected to reach USD by the end of 2025.
Source: Globalwebindex

They have tried it
As the younger generations look for more experience-led days and nights out, Boom Boom Shot became an essential tool of my bar.
Christopher Wack
Bar manager at le Quino in Strasbourg, France
Premium is the best choice for bars and pubs owners:
- Unlimited games and participants
- Game customisation (logo, background)
- Social media links
- Email marketing
- Client support
starting from
9€ excl. VAT
per month
The perfect offer for every bar owner who wishes to use Boom Boom Shot as main or secondary entertainment.
First month free!
Next step
You know that giving your customer an original experience will help you stand out from your competitors and wishes to give Boom Boom Shot a free try in your bar?
Request a demo.

Augustin Hiebel